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Hand Vein Treatment: How to Restore a Youthful Look to Your Hands

Hand Vein Treatment: How to Restore a Youthful Look to Your Hands

Your hands are often one of the first areas to show signs of aging. Unfortunately, that means age spots, thinning skin, or bulging veins.

If you’re bothered by the appearance of bulging hand veins and are wondering what options you have, then read on.

Dr. David T. Jacobs and our South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine team offer treatments for visible hand veins here in Rockville Centre, New York.

Here’s what you need to know.

Why are my hand veins so noticeable? 

As you age, your hands lose fat and skin elasticity. Collagen — the protein that gives your skin elasticity and strength — starts to decrease as early as your mid-twenties. While this is normal, it makes the skin on your hands appear thinner and makes veins more noticeable. 

Sun exposure over time can also damage the skin on your hands and contribute to the loss of collagen and elasticity. These sun-related impacts are often referred to as “photodamage” or “photoaging.” As a side note, photodamage can also increase your risk of spider veins on your face.

To compound matters, bulging veins can occur due to reduced circulation and weakened vein walls that become more common as you age. Your blood vessels feature one-way valves, but if they don’t work correctly, your blood can pool and make your veins bulge.

These changes, combined with the natural aging process, can lead to the prominent, visible veins often associated with aging hands.

Are they dangerous?

In many cases, visible hand veins are purely cosmetic and don’t pose a threat to your health. 

In some cases, bulging veins can be a sign of venous insufficiency. As a dual-board-certified vein specialist, Dr. Jacobs can identify this issue and recommend the treatments that make your hands beautiful and healthy.

How to restore a youthful look to your hands

Now that we’ve covered why bulging veins are more common as you age, let’s discuss how to restore a more youthful look to your hands. 

You might consider a mix of medical treatments and lifestyle changes, such as:


At South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine, Dr. Jacobs may recommend sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a special solution called a sclerosant directly into the bulging veins. 

Dr. Jacobs often enhances the treatment by using an oxygen foam sclerosant, which combines oxygen with the sclerosant medication to create foam. This foam can better contact the vein walls, which typically makes the procedure more effective.

Once the foam is ready, Dr. Jacobs uses tiny needles to carefully inject the sclerosant into your affected veins. The solution irritates the inside of the vein walls and causes them to collapse and close off. Once the treated veins are sealed, your blood is naturally rerouted through the many other healthy veins in your hands.

Over time, the closed veins fade away — your body simply reabsorbs the vein — leaving your hands looking smoother and more rejuvenated. 

Wear sunscreen daily

You already know the importance of sunscreen and might incorporate it into your daily skincare routine. But don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your hands, too! 

Applying sunscreen regularly to your hands can protect them from ultraviolet (UV) damage, which accelerates aging and causes sunspots. 

Moisture your hands daily

To keep your hands looking youthful, stay hydrated and apply moisturizer daily to maintain skin elasticity and prevent dryness. Look for a high-quality moisturizer that seals in moisture. You may need to apply moisturizer more often during the colder winter months.

Eat the right foods

The foods you eat don’t just fuel you — they can impact your skin health, too! Specifically, a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins, such as vitamins C and E, can support collagen production and improve the health of your skin. 

The following foods are good for your skin:

The best part is that these foods are good for your whole body!

Say goodbye to visible hand veins

As the only doctor in Nassau County who is board-certified in phlebology, Dr. Jacobs offers safe and effective treatments for visible hand veins using industry-leading vein technology.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to bulging hand veins, give us a call at 516-865-1234 to find out if sclerotherapy is right for you.

To make your next appointment at South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine, call our office or use our online booking tool. 

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